Thursday, November 30, 2006

Before Matt came along and gave League of Lincoln some direction, I started to draw it while still writing the story, which I hadn't worked out yet. Basically I had no idea where it was going.
I think I have some more pages lying around my place, but these are the ones I have scanned already.
This is the pencils for the first two pages and an inked and colored version of the 2nd page.

Another influence of mine in creating League of Lincoln was "Prez: Americas first Teen-age President," look it up it is well worth your time. In these pages I am establishing Prez as the president of the League of Lincoln universe also present is Eagle Free, Prez's Native American head of the FBI.
I probably could have gotten in some trouble for this if I had ever printed it, but luckily Matt swept in and wrote the amazing story I have now.
Click to Enlarge

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I also probably would have gotten in trouble for the rip-off of the Hall of Justice.

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Lincoln in Supernatural Law

I found this little jem in the Supernatural Law trade #1. The main characters are at a law conference, and for some reason, there's Lincoln!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

A peek at LoL

Boy, are you lucky! Above is a panel from the LoL story Evan and I are working on. His pencils, my inks. Evan hasn't even seen these pages yet!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Abe is most influential American

Here's a recent article from Reuters:

Abraham Lincoln, the U.S. president who won the Civil War and ended slavery, topped a list of the 100 most influential American figures in shaping U.S. history, a survey released on Tuesday said. The Atlantic Monthly magazine asked 10 notable historians to rank the Americans they felt had the greatest impact on U.S. history.

In fact, he's so influential that there's a superhero team modeled after him!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Cartoon League of Lincoln

Early on I had the idea of doing each chapter of the League of Lincoln story in a different drawing style.
These are some designs for a cartoon version.

This is Lincoln Lord in a previous costume.
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Lady Lincoln was going to be a Wonder Woman type.
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Future Lincoln looks basically the same.
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This drawing of Chain Lincoln is my favorite of the bunch.
He's basically Danzig with a Lincoln beard.
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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Early Character Designs

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I got the idea for League of Lincoln a while ago while reading the collections that DC put out for the O'Neil/ Adams run on Green Lantern/ Green Arrow.
I'm not exactly sure how I came up with the idea. But as you can see by these two early character designs I was heavily ripping off Neal Adams (as opposed to know where I rip him off in a more subtle manner).
When designing the many Lincoln themed characters I decided I wanted them to look different and represent many different arch-types. But to keep them all looking somewhat like Lincoln I needed some similar costume parts. I decided on the mole, the top hat, the beard and the suit. Each member has at least two of the items to complete their costume.
The top one is Pink Lincoln, who is in the comic with a slightly different design. She is a Black Canary type. The boa represents her beard.
The other one is Lincoln Navigator, a Green Arrow/ Native American character. He's now been replaced by Toma-Linc.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Lincoln and Lincoln Hog

I've seen these commercials about insomnia on TV with Lincoln and a ground hog playing cards late at night with some dude who can't sleep. I don't really get it, but it cracks me up. And then I saw this ad in a magazine, so I had to post it. Possibly two new LoL members? Lincoln Time and Lincoln G-Hog?

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Are they getting rid of the Penny?

I know the proposed bill is over a year old but I just found out about it last night, so I'm talking about it.
There is a bill currently in circulation proposing the elimination of the penny.
The fiscal arguments for getting rid of it are hard to argue against, but I personally look at it as getting rid of the mini-portraits of Lincoln that I carry around in my pocket.
Here are some links about it...
click on them to see more

Jim Kolbe the man who wants to get rid of the penny

The anti-penny website

The pro-penny website

A history of the penny

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This is a blog about the progress of the comic "League of Lincoln" created and penciled by Evan Keeling and written and inked by Matt Dembicki.
This comic is about the adventures of a team of Abraham Lincoln themed super heroes. It is homage to our love of the super hero comics of the Silver Age.
Not only will we be putting up updates of the status of the comic we will also be posting interesting Lincoln related facts.
We hope to see you back here real soon and watch out for the agents of B.O.O.T.H.