Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Early Character Designs

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I got the idea for League of Lincoln a while ago while reading the collections that DC put out for the O'Neil/ Adams run on Green Lantern/ Green Arrow.
I'm not exactly sure how I came up with the idea. But as you can see by these two early character designs I was heavily ripping off Neal Adams (as opposed to know where I rip him off in a more subtle manner).
When designing the many Lincoln themed characters I decided I wanted them to look different and represent many different arch-types. But to keep them all looking somewhat like Lincoln I needed some similar costume parts. I decided on the mole, the top hat, the beard and the suit. Each member has at least two of the items to complete their costume.
The top one is Pink Lincoln, who is in the comic with a slightly different design. She is a Black Canary type. The boa represents her beard.
The other one is Lincoln Navigator, a Green Arrow/ Native American character. He's now been replaced by Toma-Linc.


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